Why Are Narcissists So Possessive


 Narcissists see people as property that they should own and control. So, if you are born into a Narcissistic household or you enter a relationship with one, they see you as their possession. You exist to entertain them and serve them. So, your giving of your time and love to others fills the Narcissist with jealousy.

 They are afraid of being abandoned. They are afraid of being replaced. And they are afraid of becoming irrelevant. They are fearful and insecure and they should be because they do treat people terribly but they foolishly think that we should just put up with it. They foolishly think that they will always be able to manipulate and control.

Narcissists Have Double Standards!

 But also, with everything else, it is clear that the Narcissist has double standards as they can do what they want with who they want but you should not. The Narcissist loves making other people jealous of them, but then they can’t handle it when the tables are turned. They would flirt and busy themselves trying to impress others while they devalue you and treat you like trash.

 Their aim is to make you insecure and jealous and beg for their time, love, and attention. Narcissists are not fair! This is why I did this article to help others spot the inequality that exists in a Narcissistic Relationship. It is always one rule for you and another rule for them. We cannot accept or tolerate the double standards or unfairness or the control that Narcissists wish to exert over them that they claim to love.

Early signs of the Narcissist’s possessive nature.

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