How to Spot a Narcissist? Top 7 Ways to SPOT a NARCISSIST

How to Spot a Narcissist? Top 7 Ways to SPOT a NARCISSIST


Today, we’re going to talk about how to spot a narcissist, in general. When out in public, or possibly at a party, or get-together. Today, I’m gonna give you my top seven ways to spot a narcissist because if you start incorporating this into your daily life, you can get pretty good at it.

 Eventually, if you study this and put into practice what you have learned, you can get to the point where you can pretty easily identify the actual type of narcissist that they are. Meaning, overt, covert, spiritual, somatic, cerebral, communal malignant, sociopath, etc. And that’s an incredibly empowering position to be in, especially for someone who has been victimized and harmed by a narcissist. car insurance quotes

 In general, the simplest formula you should always have in the forefront of your mind to be looking out for is the three e’s or the triple e, lack empathy, entitled, exploitative. This simple formula was developed by Craig Malkin. He’s a Harvard professor of psychology and the author of a book “ titled rethinking narcissism”. And I just love that formula because it’s so easy to remember, and will always be consistent with the behaviors of a narcissist. It’s also simple enough that you can teach your teenagers or young adult children, and they’ll be able to remember. So always remember the three e formula. car insurance quotes

 Now, we’re going to get into specific behaviors that narcissists will typically exhibit, which will help you spot them early on.

Here are the Top 7 Ways to SPOT a NARCISSIST.

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