Why Are Narcissists So Possessive


 Narcissists like to know that you are busy doing only things that they want you to do. This is because they feel like they own you to the point of keeping everything good that you have to offer from the world and keeping it for themselves. Narcissists do not only envy us, they become jealous of us.

The possessive nature of Narcissistic Parents.

 The Narcissistic Parent offends greatly in this matter, as no matter how old their children get, they still demand huge amounts of love and attention from them. It doesn’t matter if that child now has their own family to take care of, the Narcissistic parent expects to be the number one priority at all times.

 The female Narcissist especially loves to control and manipulate the romantic relationships that their children have and will instigate breakups when they think the other person is someone they will not be able to control. In the mind of the Narcissist, they justify this because they are the ones who brought you into this world and they are the ones who should have the final say.

Why Does The Narcissist Think They Own You?

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