What The Narcissist Gets Up To When You Go NO CONTACT 


 But first, they have to lay the foundation to do so and that entails sifting through your friends and family members to find out who is still in contact with you or who may be able to reach you. At least what is left, because as I have said many times that when you cut off a Narcissist, you also end up cutting off other friends and family members who are sympathetic towards the Narcissist; Those ones ( Flying Monkeys) who believe the lies of the Narcissist or are have been wooed by their charm and they basically do not see the Narcissist for the evil, conniving person that they are.

 Going No Contact can be a very sobering time as you realize the support system you thought you had, is not as strong as you would have liked it to be. So basically, the few that are left would be who the Narcissist try to infiltrate. Some of them, the Narcissist will want you to know that they are in contact with, and for others, they would prefer to lurk in the shadows while at the same time influencing that person’s interaction with you.

The top 3 things the narcissist does when you go no contact.

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