What The Narcissist Gets Up To When You Go NO CONTACT 

What The Narcissist Gets Up To When You Go NO CONTACT 


Today’s article is all about what the Narcissist gets up to when we’ve gone no contact.

 For many Narcissists, they like to pretend to have moved on, but have they really? And if you were the one who discarded the Narcissist or initiated no contact, they will still be nursing the wounds of that Narcissistic Injury and it will affect how they react in your absence.

 So, in this case, you will learn how the Narcissist processes your absence and what they will get up to while you are away or implementing the Zero-Contact method.

 Going No Contact from a Narcissist can be one of the best things you can do for yourself as you are able to get away from the drama and the person who was causing you so much pain. But when someone causes a Narcissistic Injury by discarding the Narcissist or exposing the Narcissist and then going No Contact on top of that, the Narcissist will remain hell-bent on destroying you. It angers them immensely to think that you can hurt them like this and run away.

 So, there is a lot of anger, a lot of shame, a lot of bitterness, and a desperate need for revenge. Because what we do when we go No Contact is take away the Narcissist’s control. We also make them feel irrelevant and that does not sit well with a Narcissist.

 The main reason the Narcissist hates no contact is that they are not able to see you suffer, depressed, miserable and lonely. They do not like that they are not able to see you buckle under the pressure of all their antics and tactics to destroy you. So, a few of the things they get up to are solely with the intention to try and get you to make contact.

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