What Narcissists Say To Their Victims


Number 7: ‘You are jealous and insecure’.

 This is usually for romantic Just trust me relationships where the Narcissist wants to flirt, go places and do things that they really shouldn’t be doing in a committed relationship. But they try and make their partners feel guilty by accusing them of being insecure or not trusting them. The Narcissist basically wants to act as if they are still single and their partners should have nothing to say about it.

Recommended: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

 Number 8: Why did you do that?

 This phrase can end here but the facial expression that goes with it is what makes it so soul-destroying because the Narcissist would look at you as if you were the dumbest person in the world. In some cases, they would even say it like, why did you do that, that was stupid or Why are you so stupid? In the mind of the Narcissist, you are not allowed to screw up or make mistakes. Narcissists can be really hard critics but they themselves cannot accept criticism.

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 Number 9: ‘You are the only person who has a problem with me’.

 This is a really crazy making sentence because they want you to believe that all the issues you have with them cannot be valid as no one else has these issues with them. When it comes to Covert Narcissists, they love this one because they know they are giving everyone else their best except you (meaning their partners, children, parents, etc.). But they want you to believe that they treat everyone the same, and it is all in your head and that the problem is with you.

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