How Do Narcissists Test Their Victims


1. Some narcissists are actually looking to improve who they are, so this is actually a challenge to them. They want to get better at their narcissistic game, and so they will pick somebody who is seeing through them, who is not buying their lies, who is not entertaining their mask, and they will still pursue that person because they want to get better at it. They want to see how far they can go, how far they can develop this facade that they’ve created.

 2. Sometimes narcissists pick specific people because that person serves a function for them. So this is especially true if you have something that they really want like social status, you have connections to a certain person or a place that they need for another area of their life like business, or they need to advance their own social standing. It depends on what they are looking to get, but they’ll pick a person who could be like the connecting point where they want to be, and they will pick that person and they will try and try until they figure out what works on that person.

 You would have to be very strong and have your boundaries very clear if you were not to become prey during this initial love bombing phase. But this is one of the most important parts of when you start interacting with a narcissist. And I talked a lot about this in another article about 7 Ways to SPOT a NARCISSIST when you first meet them, where I talked about how to quickly identify that this person is actually going to cause problems for you, which you think is your soulmate.

 So you have to be aware of that. This is definitely one of the first tests that the narcissist will give to see if you’re going to be a good supply.

A BOOK: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse

2. Projecting stuff onto you.

 Another thing that narcissists will do to see how you react and how good of a supply you would be is that they will try to project stuff onto you. So they’ll say things to you like are you a narcissist? Are you okay? Are you sure you’re not actually depressed, crazy, bipolar like your mom, or like your dad, or whatever it is? It’ll be coming off in like a joking kind of manner, but they’ll start planting these little seeds of doubt about yourself, about your own decision-making as you go forward.

 The more you hang out with them, the more you’re going to notice that those small jokes are coming up and becoming more and more frequent.

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