How Do Narcissists Test Their Victims


3. They’re going to create a mirage.

 What I mean by that is that they are kind of suggesting that they are doing something, so they don’t outright say that they were doing something. And especially something sneaky or something devious behind your back, but it could be something like Oh I’m going with a bunch of my friends to so-and-so’s house this weekend, they have a lake house and we’re going to stay there, and they won’t tell you a lot of the details about that issue.

And they’ll tell you things like that, and it’ll make you question yourself: Why they’re doing those things? Why are they having those types of conversations or going on trips with other people? They’ll try to start putting those seeds of doubt in your mind, and they’ll gauge your reaction to that. So the more explosive or the more emotional your reaction to them, then the better because they know that you would be easy to manipulate emotionally, that you are also easy to get like hooked on them easier so that the trauma bond will set in faster at the gaslighting will take effect quicker, things like that.

 So there are all these little tests that the narcissists are constantly doing and they’re grooming you to get addicted to the narcissist into the relationship. You will find yourself this is how people end up giving so much of who they are to the narcissist without even recognizing what happened before they know it like all of their life is gone.

Related: Top 10 Personality Traits A Narcissist Looks For In A Target

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