9 Signs You Are Dating a Cheating Narcissist (Red Flags)


 3. They Manufacture Arguments and Give You Silent Treatment.

 An argument about the smallest of issues can escalate quickly and fiercely. They take time to work out how to push your buttons, and they will use everything in their power to make you feel insignificant and small. Often, accusing their partners of being disrespectful or selfish.

Cheating narcissists use periods where they are giving you the silent treatment to pursue their other targets. When the breaks are too many and the arguments are vague, it’s simply an excuse to leave the relationship temporarily at bay while they explore their other options. Narcissists feed off the rush of pursuing new admirers.

 4. To protect Themselves, A Narcissist Will Accuse You of Cheating On Them.

 You’ll find that these accusations increase when you engage in activities without them. They pit you against other people to disconnect you from your usual support system. Narcissists impose rules on you that do not apply to them; time away from them means less attention.

 A cheating narcissist can also use this accusation as a strategy to remain in control when they notice you are suspicious. It diverts your attention from their inconsistencies to your insufficiencies in the relationship. While you are out trying to figure out why your partner would think you were cheating, they remain in control yet again, making you doubt your instincts.

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