6 Rumours Narcissists Like To Spread About You.

3. You’re an abuser, liar, and cheater.

They might claim that you’re the abusive one, you’re the liar, you’re the cheater. Now, neither of you, not all narcissistic people cheat. They will cheat you out of your happiness, your hopes, your dreams, your health, your wealth, your friends, and your family. Then, they don’t all commit adultery on you. However, those who are the liars and the cheaters, they will accuse you of being the liar and the cheater in order so that they can gain that sympathetic attention from those around them and so that people look poorly on you.

Related: What Narcissists Do When A Relationship Ends.

Now, you could have been dealing with a narcissistic cheater. When you are telling somebody that this is what happens, you are speaking the truth about what actually happened. Narcissistic people lie or twist the story to their advantage or tell half-truths.

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4. You’re unstable, crazy, with mental issues.

They might claim that you’re unstable, have mental health issues, or full of anxiety, or going crazy. And when you’re around a narcissistic person, you can develop lots of different mental health issues. You can be riddled with anxiety and stress and high blood pressure and so many health problems that this can match the stories that the narcissist is telling about you to those around you.

Read More: 7 Ways a Narcissist Treats You When You’re Sick.

A narcissist might even get you to the doctors for help so that they can play the victim of how much they’re having to deal with you but the hero of how much they’re helping and supporting you. And what they’re actually doing is sinking you while gaining sympathetic attention from those around you.

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