5 Guaranteed Ways To Defeat a Narcissist

Number 2: Disengaging.

Disengaging is all about stepping back and not burning in the fire that has not been set by you. It is about not letting the narcissist push your buttons. It’s about establishing boundaries and maintaining them. When a narcissist tries to encroach upon your space physically or emotionally, do not justify, explain, or defend yourself. You don’t have to prove anything to them. You can simply respond by saying things like, “We remember things differently. If you continue to speak like this, I will not answer. I hear you, but this isn’t my experience. I know my truth, and I am not changing that. I am stepping away from this conversation. This is not a topic I am going to discuss. We can continue when you’re ready to communicate.”

Related: Don’t Argue or Fight With a Narcissist- Do THIS INSTEAD To Win Every Time.

Remember, you have the right to remove yourself from the conversations, from the situations that are harmful or uncomfortable. You do not owe the narcissist any explanations or justifications. You do not need to respond to their baiting or engage in endless debates. Simply disengage and walk away, and that will burn a narcissist inside out.

Number 3: Decline.

Often, a narcissist will attempt to pull you back into their influence through various means. These can range from hoovering attempts, where they feign remorse and promise change, to more insidious strategies like gift bombing or charm offensives to make you lower your guard. When you decline, you’re asserting your independence and personal autonomy. You are signaling to the narcissist that you are aware of their tactics and are no longer willing to be a part of their mind games. You’re making it very clear that you have your own mind, your own will, and that you see through their tactics.

Read More: 7 Ways To Get A Narcissist To Respect You.

Remember, the goal of these tactics is to lure you back into the narcissist’s sphere of influence, where they can continue to control and manipulate you and your children. By declining these attempts, you are taking a stand for yourself and demonstrating your strength and resolve. Learning to decline can take time, especially if you have been conditioned to appease a narcissist in your life. But with practice, you can learn to recognize these hoovering attempts for what they are and draw the boundary. I would say, dig in the boundary.

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