10 Signs You Live With a Narcissist


 Number 5: They avoid taking responsibility for the damage they’ve done.

If the person with whom you live takes responsibility only when things go well but completely avoids responsibility when things go wrong, you are most certainly living with a narcissist. One of the features of people with strong narcissistic and other dark personality traits is their unwillingness to take responsibility for their dysfunctional or inefficient behavior. They seek to conceal their already shaky and low self-esteem by feigning confidence. The inability to admit their faults is a critical component of this protective mechanism. Certain individuals may occasionally admit to a little mistake in order to show that they are capable of acknowledging anything, but this is a deception.

Number 4: They are manipulative.

 While it’s easy to tell when someone is trying to dominate you, a narcissist uses a subtle technique called victimization to manipulate you. The disorder is characterized by distorted views of oneself, others, and the world. The most often used labels by narcissists indicate their deepest self-esteem issues. When we suppress or avoid unpleasant feelings, they may show indirectly as disowned aspects of ourselves.

 Frequently, narcissists are bullies. They accomplish their goals using verbal, psychological, or emotional abuse. Narcissists will argue against what you know to be true in order to unsettle you. They may minimize your value by using dismissive remarks or obnoxious humor, or they may refer to you as “different.”

Number 3: They are controlling.

 Individuals who are narcissistic want you to do exactly what they consider is correct. Your perspective is irrelevant to them, even if their actions directly affect you. It is crucial to understand how narcissists manipulate their victims in order to see any red flags in your relationship. Narcissists’ control strategies range from potentially dangerous acts to very delicate, unnoticeable gestures. To those closest to the narcissist, the narcissist’s hot and cold games are often baffling and unsettling. How do narcissists manipulate when their impulses are more subdued or concealed?

Passive hostility is often used by the manipulative narcissist to cause guilt or misunderstanding in others. The bulk of narcissists has strong opinions about what they feel is or is not acceptable. If you act against their wishes, serious consequences will ensue. Narcissists delight in creating an atmosphere of mystery and unpredictability. They’ll profess their love for you one minute and then brand you as selfish and crazy the next. Do not be surprised if the narcissist engages in a range of behaviors or even seems to change personality traits. This is all part of the con.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

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