The Best Way to Put Narcissists In Their Place

The Best Way to Put Narcissists In Their Place


After you’ve had a great deal of exposure to a strongly narcissistic person, there is going to be a thought that comes into your mind. It says, ‘I don’t want to be attached to this individual. I’m getting really tired of what I’m having to deal with. I need to put that person in their place.’ Okay, you know when you’re at that place, I get it. I understand it. You want to send a message that says, ‘You can’t mess with me in the way that you think that you can and should get away with.’

Now, one of the biggest mistakes that people can make when they’re at this place of trying to put a narcissist in their place is they can actually mirror back the narcissist’s narcissistic characteristics. For example, when the narcissist is mean, they can be mean in reverse. Or if the narcissist is highly argumentative, they can become argumentative in reverse. If they show bitterness or stubbornness, they can be bitter and stubborn in reverse.

What that says is that the individual is doing nothing more than entering into a codependent narcissistic dance. I’m thinking, ‘Well, I suppose that’s always an option.’ You can do that if you want. It’s not going to get you anywhere good. It just means that you would be defined by the narcissist. You’re just a little more than a reactor, and that person is setting your pace. You would be defined by your own counter-contempt, your own counter-anger, your own counter-bitterness.’ And I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t want to go down that path. That’s who they are, but that’s not going to be who I am. I can do better. I can be better.’

So in today’s topic, we are going to share with you the #1 way to put narcissists in their place, and (hint) it does not involve beating them at their game. Let’s get started!

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