The Narcissist Will Do This To Get You Back

The Narcissist Will Do This To Get You Back


 In today’s article, we will look at why the Narcissist would want to come back and some of the tricks or games they play to gain access to our lives again.

If there is one thing we have come to realize about Narcissists, it is there is no getting away from every Narcissist out there. What is even more irksome is when an old Narcissist or ex Narcissist tries to weasel their way back into your life. Even those that have been exposed or unmasked think they can still make a comeback and be received with opened arms if they play their cards right.

 And today, I will be exposing some of the tricks Narcissists play to make a come-back if we let them. This is a really big “If” because if we establish zero contact or No Contact where the Narcissist cannot reach us or communicate with us in any way, then there would be no coming back. But zero contact is not always possible, especially if children are involved.

Recommended: Malignant Self-Love: Narcissism Revisited– by Sam Vaknin.

 And also, quite frankly, there are some people who just don’t feel comfortable establishing zero contact for whatever reason. The fact remains that sometimes Zero Contact is not always possible. So, therefore, the Narcissist remains an active and present danger. And in these instances, having strong boundaries is usually how people in this situation try to navigate around the Narcissist.

All I am really trying to say is that once a Narcissist is able to make contact with you, the chances of them trying to make a comeback is very likely. But why? Why would a Narcissist want to come back? Well, I have already done an article on this as well called, When the Narcissist returns, which goes into what their intentions are.

So, if you were the one who discarded them or they discarded you but you have managed to get back on your feet, they will want back in to tear you down again. Narcissists can be very patient when it comes to getting someone right where they want them. They know it is a consistent effort on their part to chip away at those boundaries that you have put in place. That is why you need to be prepared for these following tricks that they are willing to play on you to get back in.

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