How to Protect Yourself From a Covert Narcissist


 6. Do Not Call Them Out.

 Sometimes calling a thing a thing can be rather empowering and cathartic. But when it comes to protecting yourself from a covert narcissist, this is generally not a good way to go. So do not call them out unless you’re in a very strong position and you don’t care about the smear campaign that will ensue, because I can assure you, it’s already underway.

And if your self-esteem and your life are in a place where you’re pretty bulletproof in the face of that sort of thing, then, by all means, fill your boots. But if you’re not there yet, don’t go there. Just get away as quickly and quietly as you can manage. The truth is exposing them is never a good idea, simply because these are empathy impaired people who lack boundaries and will without question be willing to go to any lengths to protect their phony covert narcissist facade identity and false persona.

A Book: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself.

 There’ll be willing to say whatever it takes to make you look and sound as bad as possible in order to save their own ass and their own image. And if you want to hear more on that subject, you can read my article, called Want to EXPOSE the Narcissist? Here is What You Need to know. It’s a good one.

7.  Get Out, Move On and Never Look Back.

 No contact is a very powerful strategy when taking care of and protecting yourself from any narcissistic person. This of course has made a lot easier when you have a solid support system surrounding you. People who have lived it, people who get it, understand the gaslighting, the manipulation, the scapegoating, and they know what it takes to extricate yourself and heal for real. People who can help you stay out of confusion, stay clear, above the hurtful and distorted narratives. And people who can support you in doing your healing and recovery work, which is the best protection of all.

 When we do our work, we become pretty immune to this kind of person and all the nonsense they bring to the table of any relationship. And it’s not that we never bump into narcissistic people again or even that they don’t succeed in duping us temporarily. The difference is we catch on sooner, and when we do, we know exactly what we need to do to take care of ourselves no matter who believes the storyline the narcissist is running with.

And we’re much stronger, more clear, more confident, and therefore, more able to cut and cauterize from a place of alignment with our personal integrity sense of self-love, self-esteem, and self-respect. Things’ the covert narcissist, will never know anything about, not in this lifetime.

Read More: 15 Things Never to Do With a Narcissist (Be Careful!)


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