How Narcissists Test And Choose Their Targets


3. Assets.

What is it apart from your empathy that the Narcissist can gain from having you in their life is it money, sex, connections, drugs, a place to live, food to eat, etc. What more can you give to the Narcissist to make it worth their wild? The Narcissist knows they have your trust and respect, but they always want more, that is why they assess your resources when it comes to deciding who to get close to.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

4. Boundaries.

 A fourth criterion is your boundaries or limits. How far can the Narcissist go before you put your foot down or are you too kind or too weak to even tell them no? Or are you so in awe with them that they can do no wrong? They also look at whether or not you are quick to believe and accept their excuses.

 Their excuses for being late, their excuses for not being able to help, their excuses for letting you down for the hundredth time. They check to see how much persuasion is needed to get what they want from you. The Narcissist wants to know that they are able to run rings around you and that you do not complain about it. Testing your boundaries and telling lies are all little manipulation techniques that the Narcissist does to test their potential targets.

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