How Narcissists Test And Choose Their Targets


5. Privacy.

The fifth criteria is something I have talked about a few times and it pertains more to the Covert Narcissist, and it is how private you are. Are you someone that tells any and every one your business or are you more reserved with certain aspects of your life.

The Covert Narcissist prefers the latter, as they believe whatever happens at home should stay at home. This is something they indoctrinate into their partners and children so that their evil two-faced nature is not exposed. So, the Narcissist tries their best to choose people who will be able to keep the secrets of the Narcissist.

Assessing these different areas confirms to the Narcissist how much control they will be able to have over you and how much you care about them. Depending on how much you meet their criteria, the closer the Narcissist will want to be with you in order to take advantage of you. The less you meet, you are more likely to be kept at a distance.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Narcissists want to be surrounded by people they can control or who have bought into that fake image that they have created. They want people who will believe them and side with them. They want people who will bend over backward for them and not challenge or criticize them. And they want people who have influential contacts and resources that they can benefit from.

For the Narcissist, at the end of the day, it is all about them and how they can benefit from the people around them while giving little in return. But this is why they end up only having a very small circle of friends or none at all, as their demands are unfair and one-sided. Never is it really about what they can do for you but what you can do for them.

 That is it for today but if there are any other criteria that I missed please do share them and your thoughts on today’s episode in the comment section below. And as always have a blessed week everyone.

Read More: The Narcissist Will Do Anything To Avoid This.


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