How Do Narcissists React When Blocked? 11 Things to Expect


 Number 4: They will resort to threats and blackmail.

 Narcissists will resort to threats in blackmail when they are blocked. They are often obsessive, so they may keep trying to contact you even after being blocked. They may also threaten to reveal private information about you or others if you don’t unblock them. Narcissists might try to get back at you by reporting your social media accounts for spamming or bullying.

 Narcissists may create fake accounts or harass you through those accounts, or they may use their real accounts but switch up their names or profile photos to appear as though they’re someone else. A narcissist threat may be empty, but if you don’t feel safe around them, report them immediately.

 Number 5: They will destroy your reputation.

 When a narcissist is blocked, they will try to get back at you by making your life miserable in any way they can. They will stalk you online and try to talk to all of your friends and family members about how horrible you are. They will even try to reach out to people who aren’t on social media or haven’t seen what happened between the two of you.

 Narcissists are notorious for doing this by telling lies about their victims and spreading rumors about them. They may also go as far as making up stories about how their victims have stolen from them, cheated on them, or done something else horrible. They will tell these stories to everyone they know often, trying to convince others that a victim is an awful person who doesn’t deserve any respect or compassion.

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