How Do Narcissists React When Blocked? 11 Things to Expect


 Number 6: They may try to manipulate you.

 Narcissists are very good at convincing people to let them do what they want. Once they can’t get through to you, they may try to manipulate you by manipulating someone else in your life. These people could be your boss or family member and get them on their side.

 Narcissists may also use their sympathy against you by claiming they were blocked unfairly or for no reason. They will use tactics to keep their image intact and get what they want from you. The best way for them to do this is by manipulating your emotions so that you feel sorry for them and give them what they want.

 Number 7: They may play the victim card.

 Narcissists can be very good at playing the victim card. If you don’t unblock them, they may try to make you feel guilty by saying things like: “You’re just hurting me or “You’re mean”. They may even pretend they were blocked accidentally and ask you to unblock them. They may act like you’re being unreasonable or that you’re being cruel for not accepting them. And they will try to make themselves seem like they’re being wronged and that you should be ashamed of yourself for blocking them.

 Narcissists will do anything they can to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. When they get blocked in the efforts to manipulate people, they’ll often try to turn it around on you by blaming you for hurting their feelings.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 Number 8: They will hoover over you.

 When they’re blocked by a person, narcissists go out of their way to try to win them back. This can be an apology or an attempt to make amends. They’ll also keep trying to contact you, even if it’s in ways that are inappropriate or mean-spirited. Suppose they’re still interested in winning your approval. In that case, they’ll continue to pursue you until you respond or until they feel like their efforts are futile.

 Narcissists will hoover you, they will try to suck you back into their life by pretending that what happened between you was a misunderstanding or that they care about how you feel. They’ll claim that they miss you and want things to be better between you. They will call, text, and email you again and again until they get through to you.

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