How Do Narcissists React When Blocked? 11 Things to Expect


 Number 1: They will feel insulted.

 Once a narcissist knows you block them, he or she will probably feel insulted. Narcissists often consider themselves superior to everyone else, so any attempt to block their access to another person can be seen as an insult. Narcissists believe that the world revolves around them, so they may feel like they are being ignored when they are blocked.

 They may also feel like their presence is not valued enough to be followed on social media, making them feel like a failure. Narcissists are often insecure about how others see them. This insecurity can be significantly heightened when they’re blocked on social media. They are very sensitive to criticism and take it personally when someone blocks them.

 Number 2: They will fly into a rage and lash out at you.

 Narcissists are easily offended by anything that threatens their self-image, so if you block them, they might become angry or try to make you feel guilty for doing so. They are often very difficult to deal with, but they can be even more challenging to handle when they know you block them.

 Narcissists are very sensitive to being blocked or ignored and will react to it with anger. They are not accustomed to being told no, and they may see your refusal as a personal attack on their character. If this happens to you, don’t take it personally; that’s how narcissists react when they don’t get what they want.

 Number 3: They will get revenge on you.

 When you block a narcissist, they will go out of their way to try and get back at you. Narcissists can be very vindictive people. Instead of taking responsibility for their actions and solving the problem, they’ll try to get back at you somehow. They don’t forget and they won’t let you forget either. They get revenge on you by shaming or belittling you in front of others.

 This could mean posting embarrassing photos, starting rumors about you, or trying to get others to gang up on you. The best thing to do is to keep your distance from a narcissist as much as possible. If they threaten you or attempt revenge, report them immediately.

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