Avoid This When It Is Time To “Abandon” The Narcissist

1. No emotional thinking when it comes to leaving a Narcissist.

 Because when you are dealing with a Narcissist, you need to take your emotions out of the picture. Make room for indifference, even being unsympathetic towards the Narcissist because emotional thinking will just keep you trapped and vulnerable to the devices of the Narcissist.

 Emotional thinking will keep you hoping that the Narcissist will change this time. Emotional thinking will have you caring about the Narcissist at a time when you should be putting yourself first. And emotional thinking can make you decide to stay friends with the Narcissist instead of establishing Zero Contact. We need to understand that the decision to leave a Narcissist should be based solely on the facts that they will only hurt you, they do not care about you, and they do not want to change, which means you will be going nowhere if you stick around and keep allowing that Narcissist to be a part of your life.

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