8 Signs You Have Caused A Narcissistic Injury

8 Signs You Have Caused A Narcissistic Injury


The narcissist experiences a narcissistic injury when their ego has been bruised, when they feel less valuable or important, and when something affects their sense of worth. The larger their ego is, the more at risk it is of being bruised.  When they’re entertaining their delusions of grandeur, that is actually when they are most vulnerable.

 Narcissists are very sensitive people. They always have to be right. They always have to be in control, so it is actually very easy to cause a narcissistic injury. You may find yourself walking on eggshells. You may become extremely cautious of your words and actions when you are around them because you’re afraid of how they might react.

But identifying if you have caused a narcissistic injury can help you to protect yourself, which is why I have decided to share these eight signs with you.

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