5 Explanations On How The Mind of A Narcissist Works

Number 1: Narcissists Have A High Sense Of Self-Importance.

The term narcissism comes from the Greek mythology tale of someone named Narcissus. Narcissus was sentenced to a life without human love by the gods. Like Narcissus, narcissists only love themselves. When they know someone does not particularly like them, narcissists will try to impress that person. That answer is because if narcissists don’t feel special, they don’t feel okay. They have a more black-and-white mindset, believing that if they aren’t the greatest, then they aren’t anything. Being like everyone else isn’t enough for them. Living and existing in this world isn’t even near what they should achieve. Narcissists have to matter in more ways than one. The scary part is that they don’t care whether it’s for the better or worse. Being held as a dominant person is just what matters for narcissists.

A Book: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse (A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery And Healing From A Narcissistic Relationship).

Because of their high sense of self-importance, narcissists will often have unreasonable anticipation of special treatment with their wishes from others. It is only normal for someone as important as them to make their request right, or so they thought. Many have tried to knock some sense into a narcissist, but doing so takes a lot of energy. In the end, it might also be useless, for narcissists can only wake up from the stories they’re made of if they decide to wake up.

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