5 Explanations On How The Mind of A Narcissist Works

5 Explanations On How The Mind of A Narcissist Works


Narcissists are known as people who think above the surface. Those who act on impulse without reflecting on their actions first. Do you know that saying about not judging a book by its cover? It also applies to narcissists’ circumstances. It may not seem like it, but narcissists’ wounds run deep within their hearts.

It may or may not come from their childhood, but experts found people with narcissistic tendencies often come from dysfunctional families with no primary guardian able to give proper care to narcissists. So, who other than themselves will they consider as a role model? I think that answer is pretty obvious.

Are you one of the people who seeks a better understanding of the narcissist’s way of thinking? If you are, you should stay and read this article until the end to get the most lesson. I’m about to show you 5 things that explain how the narcissist’s mind works. We’ll talk about their tendencies, from their thoughts to their behaviors.

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