3 Things A Covert Narcissist Does Not Want You To Know


1. They Need You.

 The first thing is that the Covert Narcissist knows that they need you more than you need them. And they do not want you to realize how much better you are than them, but they gaslight and deceive you into thinking that it’s the other way around. They want our light. They want our good energy. And they need our validation. We are the source of their Narcissistic Fuel. And that is why they put in the effort to win us over. And if possible, make us dependent on them in some way so that we never leave them.

 But all this is because they hate being alone. I know not everyone likes to be alone and they have their different reasons for that, but I am not talking about everyone else, I am only referring to Narcissists and why they specifically do not like being alone.

 But also, Narcissists do not just hate being alone, they are afraid of being alone. Therefore, Narcissists need to be constantly distracted from themselves. So, they have to be continuously preoccupied with someone or something.

 Within the Narcissist is a dark void, and if not distracted their mind is filled with thoughts of worthlessness, bitterness, anger, and shame. So having someone to abuse or entertain them, helps to distract them. And that is why social media especially is such a lifesaver for Narcissists as they can have access to Narcissistic Supply 24/7 without leaving their house or even having someone physically next to them.

 But as much Narcissistic Supply they get from their online activities, it doesn’t beat having someone physically in their control who they can manipulate and abuse, they are not at peace in their own company. They need someone to control and abuse to distract from how miserable they truly are. Without us, they are nothing. Without us, they would be eaten up alive from within.

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