10 Weird Habits Of A Covert Narcissist


 Number 3: They love to find things wrong in whatever you’re doing.

 Covert narcissists love to find things wrong in whatever you’re doing. They will tell you that your presentation was boring, your idea is not good enough, and your work is not up to the mark, and so on. Narcissists will nitpick at every little thing they can find and then use that as an excuse to make you feel bad about yourself. They may also seem to have an obsession with gossiping or spreading rumors.

 Whether you eat your food, dress for work, or place your furniture in the house, covert narcissists have an uncanny ability to spot problems and fixate on the. Covert narcissists always think they know better than everyone else; they believe they’re right about everything even completely wrong. This habit gives them a sense of control and makes them feel Superior. They want to ensure you know they are better than everyone else.

 Number 4: They offer fake apologies.

 Covert narcissists are masters of manipulation, and one of their favorite habits is offering fake apologies. They won’t admit fault or responsibility for their actions, even if you point out how you were hurt by them. They’ll insist that it wasn’t intentional and that they’d never want to hurt anyone. They don’t feel bad and don’t want to talk about it; they just think that by saying sorry, the problem will go away. They’ll say it repeatedly until you get fed up and stop asking them questions.

 There’s nothing like a good apology; it can repair relationships and even help us feel better about ourselves when we know we’ve made a mistake. Covert narcissists aren’t interested in apologizing; they’re only interested in making sure they look good. They offer fake apologies full of empty words and no substance.

 Number 5: They lie without any reason.

 Covert narcissists lie without any reason; they do not feel guilty about lying and do not even think they are lying. These people are compelling Liars because they genuinely believe what they say and act as if they are telling the truth. They may even convince themselves that their stories are true; they have a habit of lying to get what they want or to avoid the consequences of their actions.

 Covert narcissists are people who will just lie just to make themselves look better, even if it makes no sense at all. What’s even weirder is that they’ll also lie about true things, even though some of it may only require a simple yes or no answer, they’ll still try to spin them so they sound more impressive than they are. Narcissists lie because they can: it’s a form of power, control, and manipulation. They get to be in charge of the truth and love that feeling.

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