10 Things Your NO CONTACT Tells The Narcissist


 Number 9: You can’t be controlled by them.

 Narcissists thrive on control, they love to be in charge and know that you need them. When you cut off all contact with them, they will notice that they can’t control you anymore, which scares them. They will try to convince you to come back into their orbit. Still, once they realize that you won’t be manipulated again, they’ll move on to someone else who is more susceptible to their charm.

 When you’re no longer in contact with a narcissist, they cannot control your life, they can’t make you feel guilty or worried about them anymore, and they can’t manipulate you into doing things that make them happy at the expense of your well-being. The best thing about no conduct is that you can live the way you want and do what makes sense.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

 Number 10: You can never be abused again.

 Narcissists thrive on control and power over others, so they will use any means necessary to get what they want from you. By establishing firm boundaries and cutting off all contacts, you set clear expectations for your relationship with them. When you go no contact, this tells the narcissists that they can never abuse you again, you don’t need to give up your own needs again, and you can ensure that you never have to endure this type of abuse again. And if you want to know more about how to set boundaries with a narcissist, this article here is for you.

Being free from narcissists will help you realize that you can take care of yourself in ways that were once impossible for you. You will no longer feel the need to hold on to anything once you set yourself free from narcissistic abuse. You no longer will have to worry about pleasing anyone else… you can just be yourself. You’ll start eating healthier food Foods, exercising, and sleeping better than ever.

It’s difficult to maintain no contact with narcissists; it’s a way to stop communicating with a narcissist who has mistreated you. Still, it’s also a way to protect yourself from further harm. When you are no longer engaged with a narcissist, they can’t get their needs met by manipulating or controlling you through communication, so they may try harder to control you in other ways. Setting up no contact and preparing yourself for what might happen when you do it is essential.

Read More: 9 Signs That a Narcissist Is Hoovering You.


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