10 Things You Should Never Apologize To A Narcissist


 8. Standing Up For Themselves.

 Can you defend yourself? Narcissists can be harsh, and even abusive. Though they may not hit you, they can hurt you in more ways than one. Emotional and verbal abuse are some of the most common kinds of abuse narcissists do to empaths. But when an empath finds their voice and fights back, they always try to turn the tide to make the empath the bad guy.

 In the end, it is the empath who apologizes even when they only were trying to defend themselves. Trying to muster up the courage to retaliate and defend yourself against narcissistic abuse is already a battle in itself. Do not allow the narcissist to win by apologizing to them as if it were all your fault.

 7. Doing What They Want.

 Are you free to do whatever you want? Empaths, like most people, have hobbies and other things they immensely enjoy. Before the empath met the narcissist, they were free to spend time just watching movies, reading books, playing their favorite video game, or doing whatever made them happy. But when the narcissist comes into the scene, they may have noticed that they have less and less time to do these things because of the narcissist’s demand for their time.

 Empaths are always accused by the narcissist of not having enough time for them, and not loving them or caring for them enough, even when they quite literally spend all their waking moments trying to meet the narcissist’s needs. If you want to do something that makes you happy, go ahead and do it. Do not mind their complaints, stop saying sorry for doing what makes your heart smile.

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