10 Things You Should Never Apologize To A Narcissist


 10. Their emotions.

 How do you feel about it? Our emotions are natural reactions to things and situations that happen around us. Whether you are upset, sad, or mad about something that is not under your control, what you can control is simply the way you express these emotions.

 Empaths are highly emotional. This is one of the things narcissists put them down for. As a result, empaths often end up saying sorry for feeling a certain way. Not only is that wrong, but it is also extremely unfair. It takes the blame from the perpetrator and transfers it to the victim, villainizing them for feeling a certain way. Whether one feels for something or does not, is perfectly fine. Empaths must never feel guilty about how they feel.

 9. Speaking Their Mind.

 Do you say what you think? Speaking up against a narcissist is difficult. They do not like it when their ideas are opposed or challenged, even when you are working towards the same goal. Empaths are honest people who value each other’s ideas. Speaking their minds is just a part of being themselves. But when they are with narcissists, it can be really hard to do that.

 Narcissists make empaths feel bad for sharing their thoughts because the only ideas and opinions that matter are the narcissists. Speaking your mind and sharing your thoughts are important things that help you grow and develop as a person. Empaths should keep their heads up and stop saying sorry for sharing their heart.

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