10 Behaviors Of People Who’ve Been Mentally Abused By Narcissists

10 Behaviors Of People Who've Been Mentally Abused By Narcissists


Do you feel worthless, guilty, and continually walking on eggshells and doubting your ability to make decisions? These are some of the ravaging effects of narcissistic abuse that can leave you feeling trapped, helpless, and depressed.

Verbal and emotional abuse, toxic projection, stonewalling, sabotage, smear campaigns, triangulation, and a variety of other types of manipulation and control are all examples of psychological violence perpetrated by malignant narcissists. This is imposed by someone who lacks empathy, has a strong feeling of entitlement, and participates in interpersonal exploitation to achieve their own demands at the expense of others’ rights.

When you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist, you naturally tend to focus more on your partner and why they behave the way they do and seldom consider the impact their actions have on you. However, narcissistic abuse can have serious long-term effects on your emotional health, and you may suffer from narcissistic abuse syndrome.

 Here are the top 10 common behaviors of people who’ve been mentally abused by narcissists.

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