Why is silence the best form of revenge for narcissists

Why is silence the best form of revenge for narcissists


Have you ever noticed how a narcissist falls silent after a heated argument or a simple criticism of them? And while they can use silence as a punishment for you, do you think it would be the best revenge to use silence on them as well?

There’s an old cliche that “the best revenge is living well.” In reality, this is only true when the person you want revenge on is a narcissist. Because they truly cannot stand to know you’re living well without them in your life.

You might say, “What a bloody lame answer! It wouldn’t bug me one bit if someone I fell out with was living well without me!!” And that’s because you’re not a narcissist.

 While it may sound cliché, the best revenge for narcissists is to succeed in life without them. The first step toward living well without them will be silence. Why is silence the best form of revenge for narcissists? This is what we are going to discuss in today’s topic.

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