When The Narcissist Thinks They Are Done With You

When The Narcissist Thinks They Are Done With You


Today I will be looking at some behaviours of the Narcissist just before they are about to discard you. Because when it comes to the Narcissist’s Discard, it can go a few ways and it all depends on the outcome that the Narcissist is looking for. But also, the Narcissist may choose what I call the Soft Discard or the Hard Discard.

 The soft discard is where they are not really done with you but they need more time to probably focus on another New Supply. So they may ask for some time away from the relationship or leave you feeling that they just need some space, or that they need to work on themselves, or that you are not right for them right now but maybe in the future. Basically, the Narcissist is just looking to keep you as a tag-along for narcissistic supply or until they are ready for you again.

 So, in these instances, they play it nice, they play it cool so that they can keep an active relationship going with you while they pursue their other interests. Also, what they are doing is making you a fallback guy just in case the new interest does not work out.

 But today is all about the Hard Discard. And it can be quick and brutal, long and harsh, or they just up and ghost you. And sometimes, the unsuspecting don’t even see it coming. All they know is that the Narcissist is a bit moodier than usual or seems generally unhappy, but they usually do not expect that it will be the end of the relationship. Instead, just maybe as a bump in the road that will smooth out with time, but the Narcissist clearly has other plans.

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