What Happens When YOU Leave The Narcissist First


4. Narcissistic injury.

 If the guilt and pity trips don’t work and you still have not come back, then usually they will start to feel really threatened. This will start to cause a massive narcissistic injury, and when that happens, it can turn downright dangerous for the victim. So at this point, you will usually be subjected to threats, blackmail, rage, and a series of coercive control tactics.

 So they may threaten that they will leave you homeless, they will take the kids and turn them against you and you will have nothing. They may threaten members of your family of origin, suggesting that they are in danger if you don’t stop and that it will be your fault. They might threaten they will take the kids and move. They may threaten you that they will tell the world your darkest secrets and ruin your reputation, and they may give you a taste of some of these things if you do not bend to their demands.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

 You may wake up to your car being destroyed, or you may go into work one day and have someone report you and accuse you of things you did not do. You may very well learn that really terrible rumors are being spread about you throughout the community. So you must remember you are dealing with a human being who does not have a conscience, so they are able to do horrible things to you, your kids, your family, and your reputation. You may have them try to set you up for a crime you didn’t commit, which is what my ex has done to me for many years.

 So you need to be perfectly prepared for this as scary and horrible as it sounds. Trust me when I tell you they are not above doing things like this.

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