5. Using a new source of supply to make jealous
They find a new source of supply and flaunt this person and this new relationship to everyone humanly possible and on all social media accounts, in hopes you will see it and become jealous or believe that the narcissist has actually found the one and that this person is now going to get all of the things that you were never able to get from the narcissists, like their genuine love, loyalty, and a commitment.
But you must remain strong. This is a manipulation tactic plain, and simple. Do not take the bait, and do not let your imagination run away with you. Trust me, it will not be different for the new source of supply than it was for you. All they are doing is love bombing the new supply, but sooner rather than later, they will start the devalue cycle. So remain no contact, you will get through this.
Find out more: Things You Should NOT Do During NO CONTACT
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