Top 10 Personality Traits A Narcissist Looks For In A Target


5. Naive to their kind.

 Narcissists are looking for someone who is rather naive to their kind. They are looking for someone who has a rather innocent or naive understanding of the rest of the world. They are looking for someone who generally believes most of society is like them, someone who tends to believe that the rest of the world shares in having their values and ethics, why?

 Because they know that you will be easier to deceive. They know that they will be able to manipulate you longer if you are naive to who and what they are. And don’t think this necessarily is someone who hasn’t been exposed to narcissistic abuse. Most times, the target will have been exposed to narcissistic abuse typically in childhood but will be unaware of this fact.

 Many times, a person who has not been exposed to narcissistic abuse will know something is wrong and the person who has been exposed to narcissistic abuse will not know because that is what they’re used to.

6. Financially responsible or successful.

 They are looking for someone financially responsible or successful. Narcissists live parasitic lifestyles and they know they need a good host to suck and sponge off of. So equality nearly, all narcissists are looking for is someone who is at the least financially responsible or just flat out financially successful.

Recommended: “Don’t You Know Who I Am?”: How to Stay Sane in an Era of Narcissism, Entitlement, and Incivility- By Dr. Ramani Durvasula PhD

 Money is a very important component for a narcissist. Money is used by the narcissist as a control mechanism. I’ve never seen a case of narcissistic abuse where financial abuse was not a part of it. So if the narcissist has money, they typically will try and get you to be financially dependent on them so they can control you, or they will try and manipulate and take advantage of you for your money. But either way, money, and finances are going to be exploited.

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