Top 10 Personality Traits A Narcissist Looks For In A Target


3. High levels and commitment to responsibility.

They are looking for someone with high levels and a commitment to responsibility. They want somebody highly responsible, why? Because they know how irresponsible they are, they know they place no personal value on responsibility, and they know that they need someone who is going to pick up their slack.

 Narcissists give deadbeat. These people tend to live parasitic lifestyles and they are very much aware that they need somebody responsible. Not just because they want to portray this to the outside world which they do as part of their disguise, but also because they know they have no intention of being responsible in this relationship, and that they will be exploiting your commitment to responsibility later on down the line.

4. People pleaser.

 The fourth personality and character trait that a narcissist is looking for in a target is someone who is a people pleaser. This is a very important character trait because they want and need to find somebody that they can easily manipulate into wanting to please them.

 Remember, narcissists, use what is called “intermittent reinforcement” in order to get you hooked on them- meaning they put us through cycles of being love-bombed, loving, kind, considerate, or love-bombing to the devalue cycle, which consists of neglect, rejection, and many times an emotional abuse.

 Their goal is to manipulate you into getting into the never-ending hamster wheel of trying to please them with the hopes that they themselves will become the only thing you are focused on pleasing and taking care of. And they are very much aware that if they observe you exhibiting people-pleasing behavior before the relationship, they will have a much easier time manipulating this character trait of yours into developing an overwhelming desire and need to keep them happy.

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