This How The Narcissist Makes You Addicted To Them!


 Because the love-bombing phase is a glorious point in a Narcissistic relationship, where everything seems to be perfect, the love, the sex, the attention, the gifts, everything. But all good things must come to an end, and when you are dealing with a Narcissist, the change is such a far cry to what was that many of us a left baffled and wondering where is the person we fell in love with? Where is the person who was so kind, considerate, and caring? Where is the person who thought everything about me was perfect? And where is the person who gave up everything to spend time with me and nothing was ever too much for them?

 Well, that person was just a fantasy character, created just for you. That is why you seemed to have so much in common and share similar interests. That is why you could speak for hours and it never seemed like enough. And that is why you felt that this person had to be your soulmate, your twin flame, or whatever else have you.

 Narcissists become all things to all men. Whatever you want them to be in that period, that is what they will be. The length of the love-bombing phase is dependent on how long it takes for you to completely fall for the Narcissist. And it all depends on whether the Narcissist is just looking for an exclusive relationship, money, marriage, or children. But the Narcissist knows you have fallen for them, when you tell them you love them or when you commit yourselves exclusively to them.

A book: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse

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