The Top 7 Different Types Of Narcissists


5. The inverted narcissist

Sometimes referred to as the codependent narcissist or the mirror narcissist. This person depends exclusively on a narcissist to gain narcissistic supply and to feel superior. They are codependence whose value and self-worth is measured because of the relationship with a narcissist. They literally crave to be in a relationship with a narcissist. Regardless of any abuse inflicted on him or her. And they are only interested in being in a relationship with a narcissist.

 This person feels empty, unworthy, unhappy unless they are in a relationship with a narcissist. This person also lacks empathy. But is intensely attuned with the needs of others but only as it relates to his or her own needs to obtain a narcissistic supply. And they gain their narcissistic supply from being subservient to the narcissist. They are selfless, groveling, and even sacrificial when it comes to the narcissist.

 It’s very disturbing to witness this type of relationship. My father is in a relationship like this, and it is very gross and disturbing to see the links that his inverted narcissistic wife goes to, in order to keep him isolated. She is terrified of losing him and nearly behaves as if she’s his slave, all the while putting up with horrific abuse. It’s really one of the most disturbing relational dynamics I have ever witnessed.

6. The somatic narcissist

 A somatic narcissist is someone who’s mainly obsessed with their body. The word soma comes from the ancient Greek meaning body. So these people are consumed with their looks. They are the ones that are always flaunting their body, flexing their muscles, talking about their aesthetics, bragging about their athletic ability, or outdoor sports. They’ll be the health nuts. The ones that are constantly having cosmetic surgery.

 They get their narcissistic supply from the way look in the form of compliments or the belief that others are jealous of them for their amazing body. They usually are highly sexual and will boast about their sexual conquests. These are the ones that you will see all over social media that are continually posing with their shirts off or with a bikini on.

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