The Narcissist Will Do This To Get You Back


 3. Playing Nice.

Another trick the Narcissist likes to play is the nice card. They would come creeping around all humble and helpful wanting to do nice things for you. They are also now always willing and accommodating to appease you. And they always have a smile waiting for you.

 Basically, the Narcissist is trying to charm you and make you feel as though they are no longer a threat. This is something they can keep up for some time, even as long as necessary if the supply they are trying to win back is a primary source.

To wrap this all up, those are the 3 main tactics a Narcissist would use to come back into your life: Playing vulnerable or the victim, charming you with their Fake Nice or trying to convince you that they have changed. It’s hard for a Narcissist to fully let go of any supply, especially if they are not done with you because, in their mind, they are the ones who should decide whether they want you around or not.

Will I Ever Be Free of You?: How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce from a Narcissist and Heal Your Family- by Dr. Karyl McBride Ph.D.

So, they are willing to pull out all the stops and perform with all their heart to convince you to give them another chance. And when it comes to Narcissists and second chances, they hardly ever see it as a chance to redeem themselves, but as a chance to finish what they started, which means there is no happy ending, at least not for you.

 So, tread carefully and keep those boundaries up. And if you ever feel like the Narcissist is wearing you down. Step away, regather your strength and start again, or better yet keep working to have the least contact possible.

 As always, I hope this was beneficial in some way. Please do share it wherever you can. Have a blessed week everyone!

Read More: Here Is How to Beat a Narcissist at Their Own Game


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