Phrases To Shut Down A Narcissist – Tactics You Can Use To Disarm The Narcissist

Want to EXPOSE the Narcissist? Here is What You Need to Know


Today’s question asks, what are some phrases to shut down a narcissist? And some tactics you can use to disarm the narcissist.

Narcissists leave us feeling confused, lost, overwhelmed, etc… One of the things that everybody asks me is, how do you stop them from doing that? What do you do when they’re gaslighting? How do you stop them from manipulating you? How do you disarm a narcissist? So let’s talk about it.

 We all know that we can’t change a narcissist, but what some of us might not know is that we can affect the way they affect us. And we can protect ourselves from the inevitable havoc they wreak on our lives.

 One of the biggest problems that we have as survivors of narcissistic abuse and people who have been involved with narcissists is that we have a huge well of hope in our lives. Well, at least during the relationship, we hope the narcissist will get better. We hope that we can help them. We hope that they will change, but I’ve never seen it happen.

 And if your narcissistic person is willing to get into therapy and do all the work, maybe it could happen. But again, never seen it happen. Even when you leave a narcissistic relationship, the after-effects can stay with you for years. And that’s especially true when you’re co-parenting or dealing with a narcissist in business or some other way that you can go no contact with them for whatever reason.

 But if you’re going to figure out how exactly to disarm a narcissist, to neutralize them, to stop them from constantly manipulating and abusing you, the first thing you have to be is super prepared. And you have to be pre-loaded. You have to know ahead of time exactly what you’re going to say and what you’re going to do when these things come up.

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