Outsmarting A Narcissist: Tips On How To Outsmart A Narcissist


4. Start planning an exit strategy without them knowing.

Lastly, if you are truly interested in outsmarting the narcissist, start planning an exit strategy without them knowing. Plan your escape and leave them unexpectedly and without them knowing anything is wrong. That way, they cannot manipulate or guilt you into staying.

 Make the decision to leave. That’s the first step. Get out, heal yourself, and move on with your life, and focus on your happiness, your recovery, and your future. Implement no contact. Block them from any way of contacting you or communicating with you. And have a happy successful and wonderful life. That is the best way and the only way to truly outsmart the narcissist.

A BOOK: How To Kill A Narcissist: Debunking The Myth Of Narcissism And Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse

 They want to use you for narcissistic supply for the rest of your life as a parasite. Want to rob you of your happiness, your self-worth, your perceptions and beliefs, your success, your independence, and your future. They want to contaminate your beliefs about yourself to reflect the underlying, shame, fear, and unworthiness they truly feel about themselves, that lies below the false self.

 If you want to outsmart the narcissist, deprive them of any future opportunity to abuse you, hurt you, and ruin your life. That is where your power against them is. Each day you spend with the narcissist is just one more day you have lost enjoying the health and happiness that you deserve. That all of us deserve. Don’t let them rob you of one more day. Get out. Go no contact, and heal.

Read more: Phrases To Shut Down A Narcissist |Tactics You Can Use …

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