Outsmarting A Narcissist: Tips On How To Outsmart A Narcissist


2. Mirror back to them the emotion that they’re trying to extract from you.

 Another way to outsmart the narcissist is to mirror back to them the emotion that they’re trying to extract from you. For example, if they insult your character and you would normally feel anger, instead of reacting with anger, say to them: “Wow, you really seem angry today. I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you have a lot of anger issues that you should really start dealing with”. If they are insulting your achievements, say to them: “You seem pretty insecure about yourself today for some reason”.

Whatever the emotion is that they are trying to extract from you, simply throw that emotion right back at them, stating that they are acting like this. Trust me, when I tell you the look on their face will be one of shock and disbelief. They won’t know what in the hell is going on, and voila, you have officially outsmarted them.

 Again, you want to keep your emotions out of it. Stay very matter-of-fact and disengage from any emotion, and just volley those emotions right back at them.

3. Interacting with them, but not using any facial expressions

 Another kind of funny way to outsmart the narcissist is by interacting with them, but not using any facial expressions, short and to the point statements only, without any feeling or emotion behind what you’re saying. Use a monotone voice tone. Just simple straightforward statements are devoid of any facial expression or body language. One-sentence statements without any adjectives, any details, any emotion. Almost as if you’re a robot.

 Seriously, this will confuse the hell out of them and it will frustrate them beyond belief.

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