Outsmarting A Narcissist: Tips On How To Outsmart A Narcissist


1. The observe don’t absorb technique

The first strategy to use to outsmart the narcissist is the observe don’t absorb technique. The narcissist’s goal is to gain a narcissistic supply from the victim, and that comes in the form of a bad reaction or an emotional reaction most times. The narcissist will provoke and bait a target repeatedly to get an emotional reaction. Most times, they will say something very hurtful or offensive, knowing we will become outraged and start defending ourselves.

 And to outsmart this tactic, you simply don’t take the bait. You observe what they say, how they behave, but you do not absorb the information. Just because they say it, doesn’t make it true. Not to mention 99% of the time, the offensive names they call us are in reality a projection of who and what the narcissist is, not us.

 So you outsmart the narcissist by not engaging in the attack. You don’t allow what they are saying to you to penetrate your psyche, and you ignore their attempts to bait you into an argument. Go about your day as if what they are saying to you doesn’t affect you in the least. Trust me, this will annoy and frustrate them beyond belief.

 This starves them of the needed narcissistic supply that they are desperately trying to get. So instead of them having the pleasure of watching you have an emotional reaction, you can watch them feel the distress and the confusion that they will experience from you not giving them what they want.

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