Only a Super Empath Can Destroy A Narcissist, Here’s How!


 Before we dive in further, we’re going to go through the traits of a super empath and how to turn your empathy into your own superpower!

 Traits of a super empath:

They’re sensitive to their surroundings. Attuned to other people’s moods. Introverted. Intuitive. Easily overwhelmed or taken advantage of in intimate relationships or friendships. Difficulty not caring about others for unselfish reasons. Strong core-identity. Honest and frank.

 Although it might seem as though all empaths are naive and easily manipulated, the super empath doesn’t stand for it. Their honesty and frankness and self-love stump the narcissist when their harsh cold insults used to devalue them don’t work. Super empaths have a strong enough self-image to use their empathic powers to defeat even the most cunning and calculated narcissists.

 Narcissists might be masters at reeling in good-hearted, trusting, and caring empaths. But if they mess with the wrong empath, whose traits are stronger than others and know who they are underneath the manipulative lies, they can make any narcissist crumble. Remember, though, people diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder can sometimes be dangerous. This doesn’t need to mean they’re violent, but they can cause distress and harm in your life if you’re not careful. Getting revenge or being determined to prove them wrong will only fuel the narcissist, giving them even more narcissistic supply. Narcissists thrive off any attention or reaction, whether it’s positive or negative.

 We here will never recommend acting in this manner for fun or to actively hurt a narcissist, only to do it to escape them. If you’re in a situation where you feel it’s necessary, be sure to have a large support group that knows what is happening. This is also important in case they decide to engage in a smear campaign to isolate you from supportive people.

 You want people who love you to know that they might hear lies or your words taken out of context to hurt you, but let them know in advance. Taking this lightly can result in damaging consequences if you’re not careful, you never know the dark ideas they might have in their minds.

 So if you’re ready to hear how to destroy a narcissist with your empathetic powers, let’s get started!

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