Narcissists Will Do These To Empaths When They Lose

Narcissists Will Do These To Empaths When They Lose


Narcissists are always attracted to empaths because empaths are the best persons to give them narcissistic supplies. Also, Narcissists enjoy being around empaths because they can feed off the empaths’ positive energy.

This relationship can best be described as parasitic (one-sided). Only the narcissists benefit from the relationship, while the empaths suffer emotional, physical, and mental torture, and this happens as long as the empath remains in the relationship.

Being an Empath is a wonderful thing yet has challenges of its own. When the Empath finally defends him or herself and wins, the Narcissist will not stand by and simply accept their defeat.

Empaths are vulnerable to narcissists as narcissists are drawn to their warmth, kindness, and generosity, which they often abuse. Even when the empath realizes that they are being exploited, it is still a challenge to fight back.

  In today’s topic, we are going to give you the top 10 things a narcissist will do when you finally stand up to them.

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