Is All Narcissistic Supply The Same To The Narcissist


Narcissists need to be constantly fuelled, and if they happen to find one person who provides a bulk of that fuel, they will prioritize keeping that person around as opposed to others who may provide a bare minimum. When a primary source detaches or goes no contact with the Narcissist, it can cause the Narcissist to hit rock bottom because they realize it is a significant loss to their image and even their livelihood.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

In other instances, the Narcissist just becomes obsessed with this person and may stalk them or constantly try to make contact with them. In this article, I talked about a few tricks they would play to try and get you back. Because when you were a good source of supply the Narcissist WILL want you back. And this is important to know because if you are a primary source of supply, the Narcissist will react to you differently and you should be prepared for their antics. Otherwise, you may be led to believe that they do care about you or that you made a mistake in letting them go.

4. Why do Some Think All Supplies Are The Same?

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