How To Reinvent Yourself After Narcissistic Abuse


Number 3: Heal your money mindset.

 Let’s face it, financial abuse is often a big part of being narcissistically abused. And even if we weren’t directly financially abused and exploited, the ways in which we have been scapegoated and harmed can do such a number on our self-esteem that we financially abuse ourselves. Here’s what I know for sure. If you want to reinvent yourself after narcissistic abuse, reclaim your power, and step into your highest timeline where you now get to live the affluent, abundant, impactful, happy, harmonious, and peaceful life you are always destined to live, then you’ve gotta heal your relationship with money.

 You have to start living from a new story where your finances and prosperity are concerned. Heal your money mindset, and watch the entire trajectory of your life change for the better as you enjoy more choices, more freedom, more peace, more serenity, and more opportunity, the opportunity to not only enjoy a better quality of life, but also opportunities to be of service, to create impact, to leave a mark, and make a difference.

Recommended: Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

We cannot put a dent in the darkness and evil that is so pervasive on this planet when we’re operating from a place of scarcity and poverty. We need more goodhearted, highly empathic humans who are also well-resourced, helping us turn this ship around. It’s time to heal the stories you carry around money.

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