How To Make a Narcissist Instantly Regret Insulting You


Number 6: Leave the dynamic or ask them to leave.

 Now, if they don’t stop, either remove yourself from the situation or ask them to leave, whichever is most appropriate. You don’t have to be held hostage by anyone. If you’re in an environment where someone, anyone feels entitled to take a shot at you no matter how subtly or not so subtly, no matter how much they may try to pass it off as a joke while they claim you are too sensitive or that you are the issue because you don’t have a sense of humor, get the hell out of there. Do not stand still and allow toxic people to target you, ever, under any circumstances, no matter who they are, leave immediately.

And if you can’t leave immediately, then figure out an exit strategy and leave as soon as humanly possible and do not go back. Alternatively, if this is happening on your own home turf, then tell them to leave calmly, clearly, politely, respectfully if possible, and not so respectfully if necessary. Either way, tell them to get the hell out.

7. Friendly banter & light-hearted teasing.

Now, with all of that said, there is such a thing as friendly banter and lighthearted teasing between good friends. So obviously, this is different. When that’s the case, you simply want to be confident and genuinely find humor in the teasing, assuming it’s not hurtful. In a situation like that, it’s completely appropriate to smile or laugh along with the joke. Let’s not take ourselves too seriously. We ought to be able to laugh at ourselves within reason.

8. Strong boundaries.

But when that’s not what’s going on and you know it, it’s important that you are able to not only display strong boundaries but also have the confidence to cut toxic bullies from your life when they show you who they are, by feeling entitled to passively or openly insult or target you in any way. That’s not you being too sensitive, lacking a sense of humor, or taking yourself too seriously. That’s just self-respect friends. And that’s a choice, one you need to make ’cause nobody else is going to make it for you. And if you want to know more about how to set boundaries with a narcissist, check out this article here.

Read More: 8 Ways to Make a Narcissist Respect You.


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