Covert Narcissism | 5 Signs to look out for


3. Passive aggression.

 And there’s even something, it’s called the highly negativistic personality disorder. So these people constantly complain. Everything is a drama. Everything is hard for them. And whilst they’re complaining about their own martyrdom and their own victimhood, they’re actually quite passive-aggressive. But when I think of passive aggression, I thought of something that was a little bit more overt. I was thinking of something that could potentially lead to physical violence. And that’s wrong. So how’s it going to show up when you’re dealing with covert narcissists?

It shows up as them being terrible listeners. Like, they expect to be heard, but when it’s your turn to talk, they can barely keep up with the conversation. Once you’ve started talking about yourself and not them for more than 30 seconds, they’re clearly drifting off.

 But wait, there’s more. They yawn when you talk. They start yawning when you’re talking. I think we could say this is like non-intentional passive aggression. They can’t help themselves with this. They start yawning. And these are also people who will use eye-rolling. So these are people who will roll their eyes and pull faces when other people are talking if they think that they’re beneath their contempt. Incredibly rude and incredibly frustrating.

Recommended: Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself- By Shahida Arabi.

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