What Narcissists Say To Their Victims

What Narcissists Say To Their Victims


When a Narcissist opens their mouth, out flows a sea of words that are usually lies, and they are meant to manipulate and control. But there is a selection of phrases that probably every Narcissist would use in their various relationships at one point or another.

Because whether you were born into a Narcissistic family, you work for a Narcissist, you were raised a Narcissist or a Narcissist has gotten you to fall in love with them or to pity them, they will do and say things to gaslight you, to push you to do what they want and feel bad about yourself in the process.

Today we have 11 phrases that may be worded slightly differently from one Narcissist to the next, but the meaning and the objective are the same. This is by no way an exhaustive or complete list, but these are some of the most common ones.

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